Academic Support Expectations

Students can expect the following from ASC Academic Support Staff (Learning Specialists & Tutors):

  • Support with organization, time-management, and study skills including but not limited to: reading, writing, note-taking, test preparation.

  • Learning Specialists & Tutorswill be on time to sessions and are expected to communicate any emergencies and/or conflicts with students in advance.

  • Timely communication via email - Learning Specialists & Tutors aim to return student emails within 2 business days.

  • Learning Specialists & Tutors will treat students with respect and maintain a professional and healthy working relationship to support students’ academic success.

  • Logs are written after each session outlining work that was accomplished during the meeting. Session logs are archived in a database and may be accessed for reference by ASC staff.

  • Learning Specialists communicate with advisors about agreed-upon Learning Plans and work together to support and hold students accountable to Individual Learning Plans.

ASC Learning Specialists & Tutors  expect the following of their students:

  • Students are expected to complete weekly individual learning plans as required of them.

  • Check Berkeley email daily and respond to emails in a timely manner - no later than 2 school days.

  • Be on time for all meetings and stay for the whole session. Students are required to inform academic staff well in advance if they are not able to make scheduled support meetings due to illness or extenuating circumstances.

  • Communicate about learning needs: what is/is not helpful, questions, and what work to focus on.  Learning Specialists & Tutors will depend on students to help co-direct the session.

  • Be respectful of all academic staff. Respect is crucial in maintaining an effective working relationship.

  • Come prepared with class material, notes, books, and questions. Learning Specialists do not replace professors.  They are there to assist students in building study strategies and skills.

  • Use outside resources in addition to academic support including but limited to: office hours, professors, GSI’s, and connecting with classmates.

  • Plan to work outside of academic support sessions. Students should not expect to complete all homework during tutoring sessions, and should be able to work independently.