You get an email telling you that you have overlapping payroll records. There are two basic reasons for this:
Reason 1: You entered the wrong date or time for one of the records. If this is the case, then simply fix the one that is incorrect.
Reason 2: There actually was an overlap in your tutoring sessions. The rest of this page has instructions for how to fix this.
Here's a couple of examples of how this might happen:
Example1: While you were monitoring Study Hall, you also met with a student for a half hour.
You created a Study Hall payroll record from 6-9pm, and you created a Tutor payroll record from 7-7:30pm. The StudyHall Payroll record possibly has some Contact records for students that showed up; and the Tutor Payroll record has a Contact record for the student that you helped. The student Contact records are fine, but you are asking us to pay you twice for the 7-7:30 time span.
Example2: You were tutoring a student and, during the session, another student showed up and you also worked with them.
You created a Tutor payroll record from 7 - 8pm, and another Tutor payroll record from 7:30 - 8:30pm. That's two Payroll records, each with a student Contact record, so you are asking to be paid twice for the 7:30-8 time span.
What you need is one Payroll record that covers the whole time span for you, with 2 or more Contact records to record the student's times (and session details). So pick one of your Payroll records to keep, and then transfer all of the student Contact records from the other Payroll record to this "keep" Payroll record. Then delete the other Payroll record.
If your situation is like Example1, then the Quiet Study record already covers the time span, so that is the one to keep.
If it is like Example2, either record can be used - I suggest picking the earlier one (7-8) to keep.
- Open the Payroll-record-to-delete and remove the Contact record(s).
When you click the [X] you will get the option to Delete or Remove. Pick Remove. This will make the Contact record "open", as in "not attached". - Once all student Contact records are removed, delete this payroll record.
- Then open your Payroll-record-to-keep and add the removed, "open" Contact record(s).
The "non obvious" part is you start by clicking Add Student
Then toggle from the Find Students option, to the Open Contacts option
Click add on the Contact(s) to add