Setup Citrix

To run Student Views on a laptop or your personal computer, you need to use the campus' Citrix service. This page describes how to set up Citrix on your computer.

What is Citrix

Citrix allows Student Views to run as a virtual app on your computer. You will not be using Citrix to do your work - it simply allows you to access Student Views. All logins related to Citrix use your Calnet ID. When you log in to Citrix, do not use the credentials that you were given to run Student Views.

Which Operating System?

  • For Windows or MacOS users, follow the instructions immediately below.
  • If you are using a Chromebook, then scroll down to Instructions for Chromebook.

Step 1: Install Citrix

For UC managed computers

  1. If you have a "UC Managed" computer, then use the Self-Service app on your computer to install Citrix.
    For Windows computers, it is called BigFix.
  2. After it installs, it might ask you to Sign In to access Citrix Workspace:
    Citrix Workspace Sign In
  3. Just exit that window and continue with Step 2 below.

For Personal or non-UC Managed computers

  1. Visit the Citrix site to download and install Citrix Workspace:
  2. Make sure to select Workspace app for Mac (or Workspace app for Windows).
    Citrix download for Windows or Mac
  3. During installation, if you get to the Add Account message, click the "Do not show this window..." option and click Close
    Add Account popup message

Step 2: Use your browser to run Student Views

  1. In your browser, go to the campus's Citrix website at:
  2. You will be asked to log in. Use your Calnet ID (same as you use for email).
    Citrix Login page
  3. The first time, you might get this "Welcome" message. If so, click Detect Receiver.
    Citrix Detect
  4. You might get the following message. If so, click Already Installed.
    Citrix Already Installed
  5. Your Citrix virtual desktop will have the apps you can run. If you don't see Student Views, then see troubleshooting Issue 1.
    picture of Citrix virtual desktop

Step 3: Start Student Views

Click on Student Views.

The first time you click the app icon, your browser will probably just download an "ICA" file.
You will need to tell your browser to auto-open files of this type.

Instructions for the Chrome browser:

  1. In Chrome, in the upper-right corner, click on the download icon; 
    Citrix Download window
  2. You should see a .ica filename in the drop-down list - just a long string of characters, followed by an .ica extension.  Right-click (Ctrl-click on Macs) the filename and check the option: "Always open files of this type";
     Citrix Always Open Files
  3. To verify this is working properly, click the Student Views icon again.  It should download another ICA file and auto-open it - which starts Student Views.
Startup Time
Note that startup time of Student Views will be slow - typically about 30 or 40 seconds. While it is setting up your virtual app, you might see a FileMaker message "not responding". This is normal. Just wait while your virtual session is being created. When you are prompted for your name and password, the app will respond normally.

If this is the first time you've logged in, or have forgotten your name-password combination

On the login window, skip the Name and Password, enter your Berkeley email into the email field and click [Reset].  You will be emailed your login name and a temporary password.  Use them to login and you will be asked to create a new password.

Login window, with Reset option

Citrix Tab
After you have logged into Student Views, you should close the Citrix tab in your browser. Do not log out of Citrix, just close the Citrix tab.  If you forget to close the tab, you might get a timeout message asking you to log in again. You do not need to do this - just close the Citrix tab.

First Time Issues

The first time you click on Student Views, several things could happen:

It just downloads a file

It might just download an "ICA" file.  Scroll back up to Step 3: Start Student Views.

Security Message

You might get a security message, click the "Always allow..." option and then click Open Citrix Workspace Launcher.
Citrix Launcher

Look for a new App

If you get the following message, then do not look for an app - just close the message.

You'll need a new app to open this receiver link.
Look for an app in the Microsoft store.

If Student Views does not open, then uninstall Citrix and re-install it.

Add Account

If you get the Add Account message, then click the "Do not show..." option and click Close.
Citrix Add Account

Issues and Possible Solutions

If you are having issues, and you are on a Mac with OSX or a Windows computer, then first make sure to:

  • Update your browser.
    • On Chrome, click the 3-dot menu and select Help > About Google Chrome. It will automatically check for an update.

If you are on a Chromebook, then scroll down to Instructions for Chromebook Users.

Issue 1: You log into, but Student Views is not on your Home page.

  • Click the "Apps" icon (middle-top, in the dark blue bar), and select it from the list.
    Apps icon
  • If Student Views is not on the Apps list, then you have not been added to the security list for the app (or if you have just been added, then you need to wait for a refresh - usually with 30 minutes). Contact your supervisor.

Issue 2: You click on Student Views but nothing happens.

Solution 1: The server could be busy - try again in couple of minutes.

Solution 2: Your computer's browser might not understand what to do with the app link.

In this case, un-install everything you can related to Citrix and re-install the latest version:

Issue 3: You click on the Student Views icon, and it downloads a file (an ICA text file).

You need to tell your browser what to do with the file.  Scroll back up to Step 3: Start Student Views

Issue 4: You have dual monitors on your Mac, and the app disappears.

Click System Preferences > Mission Control. Uncheck "Displays have separate Spaces".

Issue 5: You get a Damage-Your-Computer message.

If your computer reports that Citrix will damage your computer, then remove Citrix from your computer and re-install.

Instructions for Chromebook Users

  • Visit the Chrome Web Store at:
  • Search for, install and run: Citrix Secure Workspace Access, offered by Citrix Systems Inc.
  • When you run it for the first time, it will ask for the Account URL. Enter:
  • You should now see the Citrix login screen, like in step 2 above.
  • After you log in, it will display your virtual desktop, as in step 7 above.

Next time you want to use it, you can find Citrix Workspace in your Launcher (click the circle-in-circle icon at the left of the status bar.