ASC Tutors

If you are interested in becoming a tutor for the Athletic Study Center, you may access the application at one of the links below:

Undergraduate Tutor Application

Graduate Tutor Application

For Current ASC Tutors

To record your tutoring sessions

Setup Citrix Configure your browser to use Citrix to access our full-service client, Student Views.

Student Views is external) Student Views allows you to: add/edit tutor sessions for any student; add your training sessions; easily fix issues with records; create a report to assist in payroll data entry.  Grad Tutors can see additional details about their case load.
Fix Overlapping Payroll Records Instruction on how to use features in Student Views to fix overlapping payroll records.
Getting Paid Instruction on how to use the campus timekeeping system, CalTime, to enter your hours.
Study Hall Monitor For Study Hall monitors, instructions on how to use Student Views to create a log of students attending Study Hall.
Grad Tutor Surveys At end-of-term, Grad Tutors are asked to evaluate their assigned students.

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